
We are pleased to announce that Varndean has collaborated with the University of the Arts London (UAL), who will be providing extra-curricular art workshops for local young people at Varndean College from February 2022. Along with seven other regional locations across the UK, Varndean is the latest college to join the initiative, offering fun and engaging lessons covering everything from drawing lessons, cartooning and sculpture to graphics and screen printing.

The news comes following the UK's decision to cut higher education funding to arts subjects by 50% from September 2021. Major players in the UK's creative industry argue that this will have a cascading effect on the uptake of arts in schools. Future Creatives' main aim is to support the next generation of children and teenagers with accessible art courses so they can continue to explore their creativity outside of the classroom. Classes (which start in February half term and take place on school holiday dates up until July), are tailored for each age group and are available for young people aged between 7 and 17 years old, with the sessions for teenagers aimed at helping them to develop their skills for GCSEs, A Levels and beyond.

To find out more visit Future Creatives at UAL