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If you are fascinated by life and living processes and want to learn more about topics such as Genetics & DNA, Molecular Biology, Physiology and Ecology, then Biology is an obvious choice for you. It will help you to develop a much more detailed scientific knowledge and understanding of the subject.

As well as gaining a sound understanding of biological principles, you will become aware of advances in technology relevant to Biology and recognise the value and responsible use of Biology in society.

The AQA specification is an exciting way to learn Biology. It is taught in a way that enables you to put the biological principles and processes into context, making them seem more relevant. Biology is also a required, or at least desirable, subject for a large number of career pathways.

Topics Covered

  • Biological molecules
  • Cells
  • Organisms exchange substances with their environment
  • Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms
  • Energy transfers in and between organisms
  • Organisms respond to changes in their internal and external environments
  • Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems
  • The control of gene expression

Labib Syed

Studied: Biology, Chemistry, Maths, Economics
Progression: Medicine, Bartholomews and The London School of Medicine & Dentistry

Labib has graduated from medical school at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry and is now working as a junior doctor at the Royal Sussex County hospital. Currently his career aim is to pursue a career in surgery.

Labib says: “I would recommend students to dream big and believe in your capabilities, as hard work can get you anywhere you want! Also, listen to whatever John Luton (Head of Chemistry) has to say!”

Course Essentials

Courses Available

A Level

Entry Requirements


Grade 6 in GCSE Biology and another Science GCSE
2 x Grade 6 in GCSE Combined Science


Grade 5 in GCSE Maths

Note: Biology should be taken with a facilitating subject, these are Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Psychology, PE or Geography.

How The Course is Assessed

100% exam

Career Pathways

Many students go on to degree courses in Medicine (with Chemistry A level), Nursing, Physiotherapy and Biological Sciences degrees. It is essential for Medicine related degrees and Biological Sciences, but is also highly valued for subjects such as Law.

Transferable Skills

Data analysis (including use of IT); problem solving; producing balanced ethical arguments; scientific literacy; Teamwork, research skills.

Other Information

Biology goes well with Chemistry, Environmental Science and Maths and supports subjects such as PE and Psychology. Many of our students successfully mix Biology with Humanities, such as History, Foreign Languages and English. It should be taken with a facilitating subject.

Enquiries To

Brian Marriott:


Students applying for medicine recently received a training session from Dr. Magdalena Lech, who came in to deliver a clinical skills session on cranial nerve examination.

The session proved informative and valuable in helping potential candidates hone their skills in how to examine patients as well as crucial anatomy and physiology of the cranial nerves.

Yaso Shan, who runs Varndean College’s enrichment session for medical school applicants, said, “It was wonderful to have one of our ex-students, who has recently completed her training at Southampton and who did her clinical placements in the US, come in to deliver a bespoke session for our Aspire students hoping to pursue a career in Medicine. It is a good opportunity for our students to relate to recent graduates as well as someone who attended this college as they can see a realistic possibility for themselves.”

Here at Varndean College, we offer all our gifted and talented students the opportunity to not only enrol on our Aspire Programme, but also to participate in a range of enrichment activities that support and consolidate a wider context to their career ambitions.

The popular Clinical Case History Workshops run by our resident Biology Tutor, Yaso Shan offer our medical school applicants a valuable insight into some basic but essential clinical skills and medical sessions to help prepare our students for interviews and work experience.

Yaso also offers students the chance to examine and analyse real patient case histories supported by the theory, principles and understanding of pathology, clinical features, differential diagnosis in addition to treatment rationale and approaches to clinical management.

Our Biology students have had great success in the Intermediate Biology Olympiad!

Two Varndean College students, Aisha Zia and Nyx Cook Hayward were awarded the highest Gold award, Isobel Morgan achieved a Silver, and Zoe Oliver, Polly Ashton Prevett, Vinuji Jayasekara were awarded Bronze. As well as this, a number of other students were highly commended.

A big congratulations to all who took part. As part of their prize, Nyx attended a field trip to study ecology during October half-term organised by the Institute of Biology. This was only available to a very small number of students in the whole country – a superb achievement!

What are the Standard Entry Requirements?

CourseGeneral GCSE Grade minimum entry requirements
IB Diploma or 4 A levelsA mixture of at least 7 GCSEs at Grades 9 – 6 including English, Maths and Science.
3 A LevelsA mixture of at least 6 GCSEs at Grades 9 – 4 including English.
A mixed programme at Level 3, to include at least one vocational courseA mixture of at least 5 GCSEs at Grades 9 – 4 including English.
Foundation Level (Level 2)At least 4 GCSEs at Grade 3, including English. At least one GCSE should be at Grade 4 or above.
Any student who has not achieved a grade 4 or C in GCSE English and/or Maths must include further study of these subjects in their programme.