GCSE English
This new syllabus is a fast-track, one-year GCSE English Language course involving wider reading and building on written and spoken skills.
There are two units for this qualification:
Paper 1:
- A written exam (1 hour/45 minutes)
- 50% of GCSE/ 80 marks
Analysing a literature fiction text and writing descriptively
Paper 2:
- A written exam (1 hour/45 minutes)
- 50% of GCSE/ 80 marks
Analysis/comparison of 19th/20th/21st Century non-fiction texts and writing to persuade
Please note that studying at GCSE is an invitation to occasionally engage in and examine challenging and difficult topics and texts.
Non-Exam Spoken Assessment:
(This mark is carried through from school, if you have already done it.)
If you arrive with a Grade 4 in GCSE English Literature, you do not have to re-sit English Language GCSE, but it may be useful especially if you are considering going to university or for future employment.
Course Essentials
Courses Available
GCSE English Language
Enquiries To
Tess McGivney: tem@varndean.ac.uk