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Careers / Parents & Carers

Year 1 Parent University Information Evening March 2024

We know parents and carers are the most important influence on a young person’s career decisions; we want to provide you with the information you need to help your young person when they most need your support. Even if they don’t ask for help or if they appear to be managing on their own, it is still reassuring as a parent to know where to find the information you need.

The Importance of Tutorial Sessions

In addition to their subject lessons, students are expected to attend their tutorial sessions. During these sessions, they will be given information to help them make choices about what they do after they leave Varndean. Students studying GCSEs, BTEC’s, the IB and A Levels will all receive information about Apprenticeships, college leaver jobs and how to apply to university if they wish to.

Just some of the topics covered in tutorials:

  • Reflect on your skills – know what you are good at
  • What are Apprenticeships
  • Gap Years – a good idea?
  • What is it really like to go to university
  • The value of Work Experience
  • How to succeed at job interviews
  • How to decide if university is for you
  • Student Finance – how to apply
  • How to secure an apprenticeship – register and apply
  • How to choose a university and subject

By attending tutorial sessions, students will be able to understand the options open to them and will feel more confident when needing to make decisions about their next steps.

There is so much information available, it can be difficult to know where to start or how helpful it will be. We have pulled together the websites and specific pages we feel would be of most help to parents and carers below. We encourage students to keep their options open as long as possible. Many students don’t know what they want to do when they leave Varndean and we recognise that. We are here to support them. If you have any questions, do please email

University Support Newsletter

At the University of Brighton, we understand it can be challenging to know how best to support your young person navigate their journey to university. We are on hand with advice to help you and your young person with the process of applying to university, please sign up to receive information on events and application support from the University of Brighton.Sign up to parent/carer newsletter

Frequently asked questions, videos, local training provider directory and a live vacancy board
Apprenticeships by industry, how to boost your chance of success, what career might suit you
Apprenticeship vacancies including degree apprenticeships
The large national firms all have ‘Careers’ tabs on their websites – this is the best place to start if working for a particular company is of interest. They will normally advertise the apprenticeships they are offering in the autumn term of Year 13 with a view to recruiting for the following autumn (similar time frame to university applications). – use company contact details and ask about job vacancies/ job shadowing/ trial days/ work experience – before sending CV out make sure it is specific to the job area applied for – a ‘one size fits all’ approach will not impress. If you are applying for a specific job you have seen advertised, make sure you address the essential requirements of the job in the CV. – how to start and how to stay positive

Job Boards by location
Volunteering in Brighton – a good way to build confidence and boost CV
The large national firms all have ‘Careers’ tabs on their websites – this is the best place to start if working for a particular company is of interest.
All Varndean College students are expected to undertake a period of work experience during their time with us; this should be seen as an integral part of their study programme. Students are asked to source their own placements with advice and support from the Careers Department. Whether a student is considering university or an apprenticeship when they leave us, evidence shows their application will be more competitive whichever route they choose if they have participated in a period of relevant work experience. If you are able to support the college by providing one of our students with an experience of the workplace, please either email Teresa at or see the Employers section of our website for more details.
If going to university is not a given, typing “should I go to uni?” into a search engine gives links to helpful discussions. Oxbridge/MED/VET/DENT and the Russell Group Universities
  • – Students who are interested in applying to Oxford or Cambridge or any of the other Russell Group Universities are encouraged to become members of the ‘Aspire’ group and attend meetings that support their application – please contact for more information
How to write a UCAS Personal Statement Student Finance Supporting students with disabilities
UCAS support is provided during tutorials. Tutors will show students how to:-
  • Research courses, subjects and universities
  • Find out about foundation years, placement (sandwich) years or studying abroad
  • Register for UCAS (so they can apply to university)
  • Complete each section of the application form
  • Write a UCAS Personal Statement
  • Sign up for university open days
  • Apply for Student Finance
  • Accept their offers
Tutors write the student UCAS reference alongside the subject teachers. Students will need to attend tutorials so their tutor can get to know them.