Mentoring Information
Sometimes we find ourselves ‘stuck’ in some way. When this happens, it’s good to talk to someone who understands and perhaps has struggled with the same sorts of things. Peer mentors are a group of students who have all been in college for at least one year and have had training in supporting others. Many of us have joined the scheme because we have benefited from mentoring ourselves.

Academic Mentoring
This programme aims to help people settle into college and help with transition between school and college.
The aim is to help Year 1 students who may feel overwhelmed with the difference in workload and expectations from school to college. Our year 2 students would offer tips and tricks on how people can stay organised and on top of their college workload as well as being a friendly face for year 1 students.
Common things people require help with is:
- Organisation
- Navigating google classroom
- Managing multiple deadlines
- Revision tips
I Would Like To Become A Mentor
What happens if you have a mentor?
- You will be paired up with a mentor who is someone we think you will get on with
- You get to agree a meeting time that suits you and your timetable
- You will meet your mentor in a room in the college where you can feel comfortable
- You decide what you want to talk about and how you would like your mentor to help
How confidential is mentoring?
- You can talk openly to your mentor; we are not going to discuss what you say with other students
- As mentors we have our own confidential support too. This helps us talk through any issues in a safe and private way.
- We will be direct and honest if we need to share anything you say within our own confidential support
I Would Like A Mentor
If you would like to request a mentor please contact Emma Hadder