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Why Choose Varndean?

Varndean College provides exceptional education within a vibrant and supportive community, where students thrive both academically and personally.  We spark a passion for learning, fostering curiosity and confidence, while empowering students to flourish, pursue their dreams, and achieve success.  Set on a beautiful green campus with stunning views over Brighton and the sea, Varndean College is a highly successful and unique college, with an outstanding academic track record where students achieve excellent results and become academically accomplished.

  • Varndean College is the perfect size with a total of approximately 2000 students.
  • Varndean College provides exceptional teaching and learning.
  • Varndean College offers over 30 traditional A Levels, a diverse range of Vocational Courses, as well as the prestigious and internationally recognised International Baccalaureate Programme.  In addition, we offer a range of Foundation Level courses for those students who have not yet achieved the necessary grades to embark upon an Advanced Course.
  • Varndean College achieves outstanding results.
  • Varndean College was recently recognised by Ofsted as outstanding in many areas,
  • A large percentage of Varndean College students progress onto top UK universities.
  • Varndean College is in the top 10% of UK schools and sixth form colleges for value added.
  • Recent HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) statistics show that 94.8% of Varndean College students studying at Russell Group universities graduated with a First or Upper Second Class honours degree, higher than those students from the independent sector.
  • Varndean College provides exceptional tutorial support.
  • Varndean College provides a diverse and engaging enrichment programme for students.
  • Varndean College has an award winning careers department.
  • Varndean College offers outstanding support, placing a strong emphasis on student mental health and well-being.
  • Varndean College students exhibit outstanding behaviour and attitudes, with a strong commitment to their studies.

Value Added

Varndean College is very proud of the fact that students who study here do significantly better than would be expected of them based on their GCSE results they come here with.

In the Department of Education’s “16-18 Schools and Colleges Performance Table for Value Added” Varndean College is in the top 10% of UK schools and sixth form colleges.

‘Value Added’ scores are Government calculations which provide a measure as to how much more or less successful students have been by declaring how much ‘value’ has been added to their results. This means that Varndean students perform better than 99% of all other schools/sixth forms in the country compared to students with the same GCSE grades on entry. This confirms the high quality teaching support, care and guidance that takes place here.


Quotes from 2024 Ofsted Inspection report

  • “Students enjoy learning and are motivated to succeed. They are studious and fulfil the high expectations set by staff.”
  • “Students are enthusiastic about and enjoy greatly the wide range of additional activities available to them.”
  • “Many students make a valuable contribution to their communities. They learn to be advocates for sustainability and the environment.”
  • “Students are caring and demonstrate thoughtfulness, consideration and altruism.”
  • “Leaders provide students with a programme of high-quality careers information and advice to help them make informed choices about their futures.”
  • “Students benefit from sessions with alumni, where they explain pathways into careers, such as those in the civil service.”
  • “Leaders and managers work effectively with a broad range of stakeholders to identify and respond positively to local and regional skills needs.”
  • “Students flourish in the vibrant and highly inclusive culture staff create. They are respectful towards others, value equality, and embrace diversity.”
  • “Students care deeply for one another and demonstrate the values they need to thrive at Varndean College and in modern Britain.”
  • “Students feel safe at college and have a good awareness of how to stay safe in the community and online.”
  • “Students are confident that staff will deal quickly and effectively with any concerns they have about their safety and well-being.”