Remote Educational Offer

This statement outlines our position on offering remote education based on the latest guidance provided by the Department for Education (DfE) (February 2022).

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the college made extensive use of remote and online learning to maintain delivery, and in doing so we have significantly increased our capability to utilise educational technology and digital resources to support delivery.

Whilst we have been highly successful in delivering remote and online education during the pandemic, we know that it is not a full replacement for on-site, face to face education.

Remote and online education, however well delivered, cannot replicate the building of relationships between students and teachers nor the close supervision and hands-on training that is vital to developing vocational competence. For these reasons we expect onsite education to be the norm for our students.

16 - 19 Students

Our aims are to:

  • fully deliver planned hours for students of all ages including those with SEND (with or without an EHC plan)
  • ensure that students have the opportunity to spend a similar amount of time on-site every week as they did prior to COVID-19

Adult Education

Adult students have always been offered a wider variety of delivery models in comparison to 16 to 19 year olds. We will continue to judge the right balance between on-site, out in the community and remote delivery for adult students in order to provide high-quality education and training.