Year 11/New Students Information

Late Applications

Our Admissions Interviews have now taken place. If you have recently submitted a late application, you will be invited in for a joint Admissions/Enrolment interview in late August. Details of this will be sent to you during August.

New Students’ Day

Our New Students' Day took place on 3 July 2024 and was to provide applicants with the opportunity of meeting subject tutors in preparation for starting at Varndean College in September. The day was also a chance for us to provide key information and set 'Course Start' work, Whether you were able to attend the New Students' Day or not, all applicants should have recently received an email with a link to the Course Start work. Course Start is compulsory, subject-specific work which is essential preparation for starting your academic journey with us and should be completed before your first lesson on Monday 9 September. You can find all details here:


In late August, you will come into Varndean College for a second enrolment interview. This is an opportunity to discuss your application with a senior member of staff in light of your GCSE results. We will email you over the summer break with details of the day and time you will need to come in, as well as what you need to bring with you.

Course Start Work

This is a compulsory subject specific piece of work in preparation for you starting your academic journey with us and should be completed in time for your first lesson on Monday 9 September. Details can be found here:

GCSE Results

Once you have received your GCSE results in August, you will be sent an email with instructions on how to upload your results to your application record. Having this information in advance is key to enabling us to allocate the right member of staff at our enrolment interviews to discuss your final programme of study.

College ID card

We will also write to you with instructions on how to upload your photograph for your College ID card. You will need this to access the buildings, use the library, for printing and for registers. As a student at Varndean College, you must carry your College ID with you at all times in order to keep our community safe.

Course Start Work

This is a compulsory subject specific piece of work in preparation for you starting your academic journey with us and should be completed in time for your first lesson. You will be sent details of this work at the appropriate time.

Induction Day

The provisional date for Induction Day for entry in 2024 is Friday 6th September. Emails will be sent out nearer the time regarding which time slot you should attend

Financial Support

You will be able to apply for assistance with College costs from the Discretionary Learning Grant (DLG). Eligibility is dependent on family income. You can apply at any time during the year but we recommend that you apply by the end of September or as soon as possible because funds are limited. Some students can also apply for Free College Meals.

Summary of Key Dates:

  • Thursday 22 August 2024 - GCSE Results Day.
  • Wednesday 28 August to Monday 2nd September 2024- Enrolment
  • Friday 6 September 2024 - Induction Day
  • Monday 9 September 2024 - Teaching starts

Should you have any specific queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01273 508011 or email